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Roof Replacement Cost Guide: What to Expect in 2022

Roofing and gutter inspection in progress

There’s no way around it— roofs are expensive. Some homeowners will even put off a much-needed roof replacement because of the cost. However, we highly recommend looking at it as a long-term investment rather than an immediate expense.

Currently, in the U.S., the average cost for a new roof is around $8,000. And if you can expect repairs to be anywhere from $100 on the low end to $7,000 on the high end, that $8,000 for a new roof could end up saving you a lot of money in the future. Investing in a roof is one of the most significant expenses you might make in your home but will pay back tenfold.

The cost of a new roof can vary greatly depending on the size of your home, the materials used, and regional labor rates. This Roof Replacement Cost Guide will break down the average prices for several different roofing materials and installation types. By understanding what to expect in terms of price, you can decide whether or not to replace your roof.

roof replacement cost guide how to inspect damage

Factors That Determine the Total Cost of a Roof Replacement

People often wonder what makes a roof so expensive. And unfortunately, we have to say— it depends. It depends on factors such as:

  • Size of your roof
  • Accessibility
  • Pitch
  • Roofing material
  • Location
  • Labor cost
  • Roofing components (boots, vents, skylights)

The size of your roof and roofing material type is the greatest determining factors of cost, and so the bigger the house you have, the more you’ll expect to pay. We’ll get more into each factor below.

The Size Of Your Roof

The average cost of a roof per square foot is around $8, so a smaller 1,000 sq. ft. roof would cost around $8,000 while a much larger roof (2,000 sq. ft.) will climb to $16,000, just in materials. Add labor, fees, permits, and more onto that, and you get a more accurate cost estimate for a new roof. But ultimately, the size of your roof will definitely be the most significant factor.

Accessibility to the Roof

Roofers do a dangerous job climbing a ladder and navigating a steep roof. With the risk of falls, it’s one of the most hazardous jobs out there, so if your roof is not easily accessible or safe, that can take them a lot longer and boost labor costs.

The Pitch or Slope

Just like the accessibility of your roof, the steeper the pitch of your roof, the more challenging it is to work on and replace. A low-sloped roof is more accessible and less dangerous for roofers to access and replace. Meanwhile, something with a steep pitch or multiple pitches becomes far more complicated and timely to replace: thus, increasing labor costs.

Your Chosen Roofing Materials

Not all roofing materials are created equal in durability, weight, lifespan, or cost. Below are some of the most common roofing material types, and their average cost, for an average 1,800 sq. ft. size home in 2022.

  • Asphalt shingles: $7,000-$20,000
  • Metal roof: $15,000-$40,000
  • Clay tile: $15,000-$25,000
  • Concrete tile: $8,000-$13,000
  • Cedar shake: $8,000-$15,000
  • Slate tiles: $14,000-$30,000

The Location You Live In

The cost of a new roof will vary based on your location. In more rural areas, you might find that the average cost for a new roof is lower than it would be in an urban area with a higher cost of living. The demand for roofers and building materials is often lower in these areas, so companies can charge less.

On the other hand, there is often a higher demand for roofers and building materials in more populated areas, which can drive up prices. Additionally, living costs are often higher in these areas, so companies will charge more to cover their own expenses.

Labor Costs by Contractor

Different contractors may charge different fees for their labor based on expertise, time in business, and the size of the crew or types of tools they’re using. More reputable, premium contractors can charge a higher labor cost due to the expertise of their installation teams and the longevity of their roofs.

But yes, there are much cheaper roofers who can install roofs that work just fine, but be mindful if a roofer’s cost seems too low to be true. This could mean they skimp on products or techniques.

Any Roofing Components or Penetrations

The more roof penetrations, the longer a roof replacement can take because shingles must be cut and installed around each vent, skylight, chimney, plumbing boots, etc. They also all require their own flashing and additional waterproofing to prevent roofing leaks.

When Is It Time to Replace Your Roof?

Sadly roofs aren’t made to last forever, and there are some tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace your roof. Those signs include, but are not limited to:

  • Your roof is over 20 years old (or reached its intended lifespan)
  • You have multiple leaks or missing shingles
  • Your energy bill has spiked for no reason
  • There is daylight coming through your attic
  • Shingles are curling, cracking, or rotting
  • The roof, or part of the roof, is sagging
  • There is rotting wood on the roof deck
  • You get recurrent ice dams every year

If any of these sound familiar, getting a professional roofing inspection is critical. While these don’t mean a replacement is your only option, a roofing inspection can determine if you can get by with repairs or need a whole new roof.

How to Pay For Your New Roof

Sometimes a roof replacement can come when you’re least expecting it, and while homeowners often try to have savings to cover emergency repairs like that, it’s still a major investment. Sometimes paying for the entire roof isn’t ideal, and homeowners want or need other options. Luckily, there are many options to pay for a new roof, including financing options through local roofing companies.


Some roofers work with local banks or lenders to offer financing options for qualified homeowners. A financing plan could help you replace your roof now and pay it off over time with low monthly payments. This can be extremely helpful when a roof replacement is needed but is not affordable at the moment.


Another option, of course, is to pay for the roof replacement with cash. This might mean using the savings you wanted to keep for a rainy day, but it could also be nice to avoid any interest fees or long-term payment plans. It’s a big chunk of change, but you could more quickly see the rate of return on your roof by investing in years of protection.

Government Grants or Tax Rebates

Many government and utility programs offer incentives or subsidies to help offset the cost of a new roof, especially if you’re making energy-efficient choices and saving energy on the grid.

Personal Loan

While we don’t recommend taking out more debt at high-interest rates to pay for your roof if it needs to be done, a personal loan can help you ensure your home is protected and you get it paid for right away. Be sure not to get over your head with high interest or massive loans that end up negating the benefit of your investment.

Home Equity Loan

Homeowners can borrow against their homes to take out loans as well. This situation is ideal for when you do need to get something done on your home but don’t have the immediate funds. That way, you’re still investing in your home, which can help your equity over time, and you’ll recoup.

Credit Card

This should often be a last resort— credit cards can negatively affect your credit if you have too much used. However, taking out a low-interest credit card just for home emergencies like needing a new roof can benefit you because you can keep it for house repairs or renovations only.

Insurance Claim

If you have sustained severe roof storm damage that requires a roof replacement vs. repairs, you should file an insurance claim. Insurance doesn’t always fully cover replacement, depending on a few things like the age of your roof, but you might be able to get some coverage.

Apple Roofing provides support when filing and navigating the process of insurance claims. We also recommend you file as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the less likely you might be able to get coverage due to damage spreading and being considered neglect.

Tips for Prolonging Your Roof’s Lifespan

Shy of renovating your entire home, a new roof will be one of the biggest investments you’ll make in your home— and you want to get the most out of that investment. You want your roof to last as long as possible to get the best ROI.

It’s crucial that you maintain your roof to uphold its integrity and condition for the length of its expected lifespan. Neglecting repairs, never cleaning out your gutters, ignoring warning signs, and poor insulation can make your roof deteriorate much faster— losing money on your excellent investment. To prolong your roof, be sure you do the following:

  1. Conduct annual roofing inspections
  2. Keep the roof clean and free of debris
  3. Trim trees and shrubs around your home
  4. Address any damage or concerns immediately
  5. Fix any leaks right away
  6. Make sure your attic is well-ventilated and insulated
  7. Clean out your gutters regularly

By following these tips, you should get the most out of your roof and avoid having to replace it prematurely. But how long should a roof last? Here are some of the intended lifespans of common roofing materials.

Average Lifespan of Roofing Materials:

  • Asphalt shingles: 15 to 30 years
  • Metal roof: 40 to 70 years
  • Clay tile: 50 to 100 years
  • Concrete tile: 50 to 100 years
  • Cedar shake: 30 to 40 years
  • Slate tiles: 75 to 200 years

The expected lifespans of roofing materials are based on years of research, and it’s also just a suggested lifespan. They could last less or more depending on the maintenance and work done by the homeowner, as we mentioned.

Also, the longer a roofing material lasts, the more expensive it will probably be. However, it also means more extended and more robust warranties, which are a major benefit to making a larger investment in your roof.

Get The Most Out of Your Investment: Hire a Professional Roofing Team

When the time comes to replace your roof, choosing to work with a reputable contractor will help protect that investment and give you a roof that lasts and protects for decades to come.

Apple Roofing has the expertise to give you a premium asphalt roof at a cost you’ll be happy with and one that will get you the absolute most out of your investment. Our highly durable IKO Performance roofs look as beautiful as they are strong, and you won’t have to worry that your roof will fail in the coming years.

Contact us right away if you’re interested in discussing roof materials, styles, or cost! We can answer your questions and schedule a FREE roof replacement estimate.

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